Relating Seismicity and Volcano Eruptions

Melissa Scruggs is currently earning her Ph.D. in volcanology. We know that earthquakes tend to coincide with volcanic eruptions, so what if we could use earthquakes to remotely predict the eruptions? This Eos article explains:

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Satellite Recon

As Director of the Earth Sciences division at NASA, Karen St. Germain oversees lots of satellites that collect data to help us better understand the Earth. The September 2020 issue of Eos highlights some of these projects.

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Can Satellites Fill Gaps in Agricultural Water Monitoring?

The Earth Sciences division at NASA, which Karen St. Germain is the director of, works on groundbreaking research in Earth Science using satellites. One question scientists have been asking is whether satellites can help us monitor water usage- but research suggests that it might not be effective. David Shultz explains in this Eos article.

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Satellite Captures Detaching Iceberg in Near-Real TIme

In her Sci & Tell episode, Karen St. Germain explains that one of the main roles of the Earth Sciences department at NASA is to use satellites to study the Earth. This Eos article talks about one of those satellites, which captured an iceberg in Antarctica detatching in real time.

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Uncovering the Ozone Hole

NASA doesn’t just study space- just ask Karen St. Germain, the Director of Earth Sciences at NASA. If you’re curious about what sort of things the Earth Sciences department is working on, check out this Third Pod episode where we interview two NASA scientists studying the ozone layer.

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Reimagining STEM Workforce Development as a Braided River

In her Sci & Tell episode, Karen St. Germain talks about the importance of being able to switch gears throughout your career. This Eos article similarly suggests that we stop insisting that there’s only one path to a STEM career, and instead see how each individual’s unique experiences can lead them to their next opportunity.

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