Specifically Tailored Action Plans Combat Heat Waves in India

Priya Nanjappa’s job is to use her wildlife and environmental expertise to help develop policies in Colorado. Many recent science policies are developed to help combat climate change. For example, Ahmedabad, a city in Gujarat, India, is the first city in the country to create a heat action plan to combat frequent heat waves:

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Gunslingers of the Sea

Prosanta Chakrabarty studies ichthyology, specifically fishes & evolution. But we don’t think he ever looked into one of the loudest animals in the ocean. What if we told you that that animal is… a shrimp? Check out this Third Pod episode w/Joe Haxel to learn more:

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Chasing Narwhals, Unicorns of the Sea

Prosanta Chakrabarty studies ichthyology, specifically fishes & evolution. But we don’t think he ever looked into unicorns (of the sea, that is). Part of biologist Kristin Laidre’s job is to track down narwhals – not a bad gig. We talked to her about her job on Third Pod:

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Damselfish in Distress?

Prosanta Chakrabarty studies ichthyology, specifically fishes & evolution. This Eos article discusses how boat noise pollution is affecting the evolution of damselfish:

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